『 Fufufu… From today on, this mountain is all mine. I’m not going to allow anyone to go against me! … Alright, I should go say hello to the frog uncle first. 』
🐝『何だいあれ。また変なのが現れたねえ… 蝶か蛾か知らないけど、ほらおまえたち、あの女にこの里山の女王は誰かってことを教えといで。しっかりとね。』
『 What is that? Another strange thing appeared… I don’t know if it’s a butterfly or a moth, but you guys go tell her who is the queen of this mountain. Do it properly okay? 』
『 Yeah They are fighting. The battle between poisonous moth and hornet… I wonder if I will fight the one who wins. 』
『 I’m strong, but I’m not going to fight so easily. 』
🙅♀️『ダメだねこの絵描き… 里山大戦争とか言って、このあたしのことを忘れてたんだってさ!』
『 This painter is no good… He said the Mountain War, and he forgot about me! 』
『 Me? I am Asuka Nanahoshi, a newspaper reporter for the Mountain War Coverage Team. Nice to meet you! 』
🐞『あの〜毒蛾さん? 瓦版記者の七星明日香です。雀蜂さんとの戦いの感想をひとことお願いできますか?』
🦋『あっち行ってな 』
『 Excuse me Miss poisonous moth? I’m Asuka the journalist. Can you give us your impressions of the fight with the hornet? 』
『Get lost. 』
The story begins here.
Jumbo dragonfly vs. Hornet seems to have been Jumbo dragonfly’s win.
『 Interview for a newspaper? … Then can you write this, “Do not run away aunt mantis”. 』
🐞『えっ、それだけですか? あの…でもその体で戦えるんですか?』
🐞『 Eh, that’s it?” Excuse me… But can you fight with that body? 』
👹『 I got a bit of poison, but it’s okay, because if I ask a painter, it’s probably healed by tomorrow. 』
『 Haha…Then I’ll see you again! 』
🙅♀️『このアタシがババアだって⁉︎ とんぼのやつめ… ババアってもしかして髪型のせい?…ちょっと前髪垂らしてみようかしら。』
『 She called me aunt!? That cheeky dragonfly… Is it because of my hairstyle? … maybe I should try making my bangs. 』
👹『あら、わたし昨日こんな言い方してないわよ七星さん… 絵もぜんぜん似てないし…わたしってこんなにお尻が大きいのかなぁ。』
『 Oh, I didn’t say it like this Asuka… The picture also doesn’t look like me at all… I wonder if I have such a big ass. 』
『 Your Majesty!』
🐸『Morning Miss.』
👩🦰『Oh the newspaper, what’s written? 』
『 Oh my… We have promised long time ago that youkai and fairies will all get along in this mountain … Damn! 』
🐸『 Where are you going Miss? 』
👩🦰『 Come with me uncle.』
🐝『お嬢だ!…あれは瓦版⁉︎ もしや気づかれたのか… いいかいお前たち、お前たちも名前だけは聞いたことがあるだろうけど、いま現れたのが里山のお嬢、シロツメクサの妖精だ。お嬢は… まあいい、これから起こることを見てよく覚えておくんだよ。』
『 It’s a young lady!” … That is a newspaper!? She noticed it… Listen guys, you’ve already heard the name, but She’s the fairy of white clover , the young lady of the mountain. She is… Well, look carefully at what’s coming and remember it well. 』
『 Hey miss dragonfly! I’ve spent a lot of time to make this bangs today, I’m not gonna let you call me an aunt anymore, get off now! 』
👹『あらカマキリのおばさん何か言ってるけど聞こえないわ。それにしても…カマキリ相手じゃ空中戦というわけにもいかないし、地上に降りて… 鎌に挟まれないように翅を閉じて戦うしかないわね。力だけならおそらく私の方が上だわ。私の方が断然若いしね。』
『 Oh, aunt mantis is saying something, but I can’t hear her. Anyway… It can’t be an aerial battle against a mantis, so I better get down to the ground … and I have no choice but to fight with my wings closed so that I won’t be caught in a sickle. If it’s just power, I’m probably better. Since I’m much younger than her. 』
『 Well, this fight seems to be worth seeing, and the newspaper will sell a lot! Hehehe. I can’t wait. 』
『Shit, She’s at the back!』
『Hey you guys wait! 』
👹『Young lady! …tsk… If she’s here it can’t be helped but we must postpone our battle 』
🙅♀️『Agree… gotta run.』
『 I won’t let you.』
🦋『ふふ…そうなの? でも、お嬢っていうあのシロツメクサの妖精を怒らせたらあんなことになるのね… 私はここの新参者だからぜんぜん知らなかったわ。』
🐞 『That newspaper … It’s not going to sell at all. 』
🦋 『Haha… Really? But when that white clover fairy called a young lady gets mad, She’d be like that… I didn’t know at all because I’m a newcomer here. 』
🐞 『Yes… But it’s still better if we make her just angry. If we made her cry, we are done for. 』
🦋 『Is that right? 』
🐞 『 Well, I also just heard about it. When that young lady’s mother was still young and called a young lady… Oh, it’s a long time ago. I don’t know why, but there’s the time when everyone made her sad somehow, then this mountain’s white clovers … No, not only that, but all the other flowers lost their energy and couldn’t bloom anymore. So a lot of insects who eat nectar and pollen, also the carnivorous insect, the bird, and the rats disappeared from the mountain. 』
🦋 『Heh, that’s what happened. 』
🐞 『Yes, that’s why everyone is still careful with her. So, what’s the poisonous moth going to do now? 』
🦋『 I might stay in this mountain a little while. I just feel like it. 』
🐞 『Oh, you just go with the flow eh? 』
🦋 『 What is that?’ 』
🐞 『Fufu, the painter I know does it a lot. 』
🦋 『I see. 』
『 I said that earlier, but what am I going to do… I love this quiet mountain… But when the night comes, I feel nostalgic for the lights of the town. 』
*Translated by Mia*
Mia is a Japanese calligrapher and traditional artist from Japan living in Berlin Germany.
She’s lived in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Luxemburg, France and Germany.
She loves to help people with what she can!
Please visit her website for more! If you have any questions DM her on Instagram!!